Those who made the road before

Kokan Oyadomari (Peichin)

Isshinryu lineage: Kokan OyadomariChotoku KyanTatsuo Shimabukuro

Kokan Moyadomari, who was one of the most important teachers of Tomari te, lived from 1831 to 1905.  Tomari is a little village on Okinawa and Oyadomari served as an officer at the royal palace (the name "Oyadomari" expresses the social status of his family) and he owned the title Peichin.

He has learned his martial arts abilities from a chinese.  But it is unclear who this man was.  There are several possibilities : ANAN (also Annan), ASON, SHIONJA and WANSHU.  Kokan Oyadomari is said to be 'Uchi Deshi' (=inner scholar) of Shionja.  Oral tradition also says that he has learned together with Kosaku Matsumora, who was Oyadomari's friend, and a student of Anan.  From Wanshu, a chinese military attaché, he learned the kata Wanshu.

He was one of the two main teachers of Tomari Te (the other one is his friend Kosaku Matsumura).

Some of his students were Chotoku Kyan and Juhatsu Kyoda.