Isshinryu lineage: Tatsuo Shimabukuro → Richard Keith / Harry G. Smith → Jack Sipe
Born April 13, 1939. He began his study of Isshin Ryu Karate in January 1961. Sergeant Richard Keith, U.S. Marine Corps, then stationed at New Cumberland, Pennsylvania, was one of his first instructors, along with Harry G. Smith He was awarded his Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) on September 18, 1962. He started teaching students in the summer of 1962. He opened his first public dojo on 1965 in Middletown, Pennsylvania.
Following this, he distinguished himself and Isshin Ryu Karate with feats of strength and endurance. Long before marathon running gained national attention, he won a 50 mile walk, held in the central Pennsylvania area. He was peerless in breaking and gained national recognition for his breaking demonstrations.
He received instruction from Master Tatsuo
Shimabuku when the Master visited the United States in 1964 and
1966. Master Shimabuku was a guest at Mr. Sipe's home during his
visits to the United States. He also received a considerable amount
of instruction from Angi Uezu, who was also a guest at Mr. Sipe's
home on numerous occasions. Additionally, Mr. Sipe and Master Uezu
developed a close personal relationship.
His dojo was the root of many dojos in Pennsylvania and throughout the United States. In 1975 he founded the Pennsylvania Okinawan Karate Association (POKA). The POKA prospered under his direction. In 1982 he retired from public instruction at his dojo but continued to lead the POKA. At this time, there were 135 registered Black Belts in the POKA. At the time of his retirement from the POKA he held the rank of 7th Degree.