What was the Phoenix Program Part 2


A hiding place; masking or concealing something, in other words the "Phoenix Program."


In 1964 the Red Cross and also the Peace Corp were information gathering units.  Red Cross and Peace Corp volunteers were required to submit daily reports on their activities and any information gathered during the day.

As a note of interest, the Peace Corp was meant to help with the construction of water ways, buildings, mostly physical type work.  Since these were skills not taught in college, why did volunteers have to be college graduates, as FBI and CIA agents are.


Was the collection and identifying of Viet Cong cadre.


Exploitation, was the systematic elimination of those suspected of being Viet Cong either by arbitrary arrest or assisination.

William Colby

William Colby, the Saigon station chief of the CIA estimated that 60,000 Viet Cong were either killed or captured.  Of that amount he estimated that 20,000 were killed.


The advertised purpose or objective was not pacification, meaning that garbage was thrown about that Phoenix was intended to help restore the economy of individual villages by advice and physical assistance.

The main purpose, on paper, or what any Advisor will tell you, was that Advisors were to identify the Viet cong through the collection of information from prisoners of local police and in turn give that information to the enforcement arm of the program, the irregulars.  The idea was to capture or kill them.  Any man being in Vietnam will testify to the fact that no matter what side a Vietnamese is on, he is like having a pet tiger cub, feed him what you think is good for him, until the cub grows into a lion, then he eats you up, so are the Vietnamese.

so said William Shakespeare in 1591. (King Henry VI, part 11 4.)

Blowtorch, he was called.  A former CIA man and General Westmoreland's Deputy for Pacification, Robert Komer masterminded a plan called "CORDS", (Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support), note the use of the word "civil." He then sold this plan to President Thieu in early 1967.  The plan was called "Phung Hoang Dong Tien."

Phung Hoang Dong Tien, as it was called, used South Vietnamese Police, troops, and irregulars, (brig rats and mercenaries) under CIA direction.

By July, satisfied with the results of the program, it was taken over by The Commander, United States Military Assistance Command Vietnam, (COMUSMACV) called it Intelligence, Coordination, And Exploitation, (ICEX) and called it "Phung Hoang" until again satisfaction caused the name to be changed back to Phoenix in December 1967.  The name "Phoenix" was again changed back to Phung Hoang in 1970 due to public outcry of claims of brutality etc.  The entire program, by any name, closed down in 1972.

This means that if a man claims to have been a part of "Phoenix", he would have had to have been part of the program between 1967 and 1970.  This also means that the Phoenix program only existed between 26 and 29 years ago as of 1996.

The pilot program began in Quang Ngai province, and make important note, the program was under the control of the Republic of Vietnam and backed by CIA.

Always keep in mind that westerners have a habit of raping the eastern culture, not even understanding what they have taken, yet when they believe that they have, they treat the information as gospel.  Their way is correct and right.  As usual they were wrong, for the Phung Hoang, a legendary bird of Vietnam, was consumed and cleansed by fire, but the bird did not survive the fire.  We westerners, in our wisdom, called it Phoenix, because the bird survived, more white mans lies.  Those who survived are still dead, just don't know it.

The program was designed for reasons later to be written, but it's primary function was to eliminate those peoples who escaped punishment by legal loopholes or misused places of trust and power.


NEXT: The aim of the Phoenix Program